How to increase computer speed, one of most asked questions on the internet. Today we will discuss how to increase computer speed.
- As you guys see. Now days technology changing so fast that you have no time to change your computer after few months.
- Now Days technology growing very fast. for example, a small memory card is now storing about 1 terabyte of data instead of a big harddisk which we used to use in ’90s.
- A person cant upgrade his/her pc every day to make it fast.
Today we will discuss some facts that makes your computer slow.
Old processor
These are some basic factors which are responsible for slower pc. I think the most important factor is your storage Device.
As a title describes ” How to make any Pc Fast “
Changing Processors, upgrading rams are good but installing A new hard Disk would help you a lot.
For an instant increase computer speed, you need to upgrade your hard drive. Most of the people use the normal hard disk that comes with your laptop, but one of the best way to make you pc fast it by using SSD ( Solid State Drive)

WD SSD comes in different types. But WD green is the cheapest among WD blue or WD Black. it cost you around double the prices of a normal hard disk for half size like 240 Gb SSD will cost you around the price of a 500Gb normal hard disk.
You can install SSD on the main port of your computer and you can replace your DVD writer with caddy. Caddy is a device that helps you to use your old hard disk with new SSD simultaneously
There are also other brands that manufacture SSD which are Samsung, WD, Seagate, Crucial and etc.
Benefits of installing SSD
Boot up will be fast.
Things will load fast
Doing video editing won’t be very hard.
Fast installation of programs.
Increase computer speed.
You can buy WD SSD AT
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